Can Chickens Taste Spicy Foods and Hot Peppers?
Can chickens taste spicy foods? It’s a question that might surprise you, but the answer is pretty interesting. Unlike humans, chickens don’t have the same taste buds that detect spiciness,…
Are Rhode Island Red Chickens Friendly? Breed Guide
Are Rhode Island Red chickens friendly? If you’re thinking about adding these birds to your small farm, you’re probably wondering how they’ll fit in with the rest of the flock…
Can Pigs Eat Bell Peppers? Benefits of Peppers
If you have pigs and a few extra bell peppers lying around, you might wonder can pigs eat bell peppers? The good news is that pigs can eat bell peppers!…
When Do Barred Rock Chickens Start Laying Eggs?
Barred Rocks, a popular breed of chicken, are known for being friendly and having good egg layers. If you’re raising Barred Rocks, you might be wondering when do Barred Rock…
The Best Animal to Protect Chickens From Predators
What is the best animal to protect chickens? Keeping backyard chickens safe from potential predators like birds of prey and raccoons can be a real challenge. These predators are clever,…
Can Chickens Have A Stroke? What Signs To Look For
If you’ve been keeping chickens for a while, you probably experienced an unexpected death which led you to ask yourself, can chickens have a stroke? Yes, chickens can have a…
Simple & Spicy Jalapeño Salsa Recipe for Canning
This Jalapeño salsa recipe that’s perfect for canning! When the garden is covered in frost and nothing is growing, a jar of homemade jalapeño salsa can be the perfect way…
The Benefits of Goat Milk Lotion: Why It’s The Best!
There are so many benefits of goat milk lotion that you may not be aware of. Goat’s milk is a fantastic way to keep your skin healthy and soft. It’s…
Best Traits of Easter Egger Chickens: A Simple Guide
Easter Egger chickens are a great choice for anyone who wants friendly, hardy birds that can handle different climates. They’re known for their ability to thrive in different weather conditions,…
21 Best Protein Sources for Backyard Chickens
Ever wondered about the best protein for chickens? Chickens need a lot of protein to stay healthy, lay plenty of eggs, and grow strong feathers. Protein helps them build muscle,…