If you’re wondering how to start raising chickens, this is a great post for you. I’ve rounded up my best articles to help you feel confident with the process. Getting started with raising chickens can be a bit overwhelming. But fear not because I’ve got tips, tricks, and chicken wisdom to help you kickstart your feathered journey. So grab your coop-building gear and get ready to learn the ins and outs of raising chickens!

How To Start Raising Chickens: 8 Great Articles You MUST Read
Setting up a brooder
Learn how to set up a brooder for new chicks. Here you’ll find a list of supplies and helpful tips to ensure your little ones get the best start.

Raising Chicks for Beginners
A great article that gives you a basic overview of how to get going on your chicken-raising adventure.
How To Introduce New Chickens To The Flock
Once your new chickens are big enough, you’ll need to introduce them to the rest of the flock. Learn everything you need to know to feel confident about adding new chicks to your flock.
Keeping chickens
This article is a great overview of everything keeping chickens. From chicken diets, to having a rooster in the flock, it’s an overview of what you’ll need to know as a chicken keeper.
Chicken Wound First Aid Kit
If you keep chickens long enough, you’re bound to have some injuries. This is a great article that gives you tips on how to treat chicken wounds and the basics of a chicken first aid kit.
The Best Backyard Chicken Breeds
If you’re unsure of which breeds you should add to your flock, this article gives you an overview of the best backyard egg layers.

DIY Coop Project
If you want to keep your chickens safe they’ll need a structure where they can escape the elements and be protected from danger. The DIY coop project is a simple coop built from scrap wood and is perfect for a small flock.
Chicken Tractors
Chicken tractors are a great way to provide your chickens with safety while rotating them around for sanitation and fertilization of the ground. Check out this easy chicken tractor along with ideas and other designs.
What do I need to get started with raising chickens?
You’ll need a sturdy coop to protect your chickens from predators and the elements, as well as a secure outdoor area for them to roam during the day. You’ll also need feeders, waterers, bedding, and nesting boxes for your chickens to lay eggs.
How many chickens should I start with?
It depends on your space and needs, but a small backyard flock usually consists of 3-6 chickens. Starting small allows you to gain experience without being overwhelmed.
What do chickens eat?
Chickens need a balanced diet of chicken feed, supplemented with kitchen scraps, grains, greens, and occasional treats like mealworms or fruits. Make sure they have access to clean water at all times.
How do I keep my chickens healthy?
Provide a clean living environment, regular access to fresh water, and a balanced diet. Also, maintain good biosecurity practices to prevent the spread of diseases, and be on the look out for signs of illness or parasites.
Do I need a rooster for my hens to lay eggs?
No, hens will lay eggs without a rooster present. However, if you want fertilized eggs for hatching chicks, then you’ll need a rooster in your flock.
Final thoughts
As you embark on your journey into the wonderful world of raising chickens, remember that patience and learning go hand in hand. Each day with your flock will bring new experiences, challenges, and joys. Whether you’re delighting in the first egg, marveling at their quirky behaviors, or simply enjoying their company in the backyard, the bond you share with your chickens is truly special. Happy chicken keeping!
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