Have you ever wondered, are chickens herbivores? When you think of chickens, you might picture them pecking at the ground for seeds and plants, like little feathered gardeners. But did you know that chickens are actually omnivores? This means they eat both plants and animals. While they do love grains and veggies, they also enjoy munching on bugs, worms, and even small rodents. Chickens have a diverse diet that helps keep them healthy and happy, making them great at cleaning up all sorts of scraps in your yard.

What do chickens eat?
I’ve been selling chicken eggs to my family and friends for a while now. It’s a great way to supplement the always-increased feed costs. One of the most common questions I get asked when people are curious about purchasing our eggs is what our chickens eat.
The main concern of a lot of people is whether or not our chickens are fed a vegetarian diet. The short answer to this question is no. Our chickens free-range and a free-range chicken’s natural diet isn’t plant based. While you might find ac vegetarian-fed chicken, chickens need an omnivorous diet to get all the essential nutrients they need.
Have you ever heard the old saying “the early bird gets the worm”? Chickens, like other birds, enjoy a variety of foods in their diet including bugs, seeds, plant matter, roots, and berries. Free range chickens especially have an opportunity to eat very diverse. Let’s take a closer look at what chickens eat.
Chickens love munching on all kinds of seeds, which play a big part in their diet. When they forage in wooded areas, they peck at the seeds they find on the ground. Some of their favorites are pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and cantaloupe seeds. These seeds are not only tasty treats but also packed with nutrients.
Pumpkin seeds are especially good for chickens because they can help prevent intestinal parasites. Red pepper seeds are also good for intestinal parasites and give you a beautiful yolk when you add them to your chicken’s feed.
Chickens are big fans of insects and love to snack on all sorts of bugs. They enjoy munching on worms, grubs, beetles, fly larvae, grasshoppers, and crickets, just to name a few.
These insects are more than just tasty treats they’re also packed with protein, which chickens need to stay healthy and strong. Protein helps them grow, lay eggs, and have plenty of energy to run around.
Small Animals
Chickens are meat eaters and will go after small lizards, rodents, and even snakes if they get the chance. While it might seem surprising, these little critters are just another tasty snack for chickens.
Eating small animals gives chickens extra animal proteins, which helps them grow strong and stay healthy. So, don’t be shocked if you see your chickens chasing after a mouse or a tiny snake.
Chickens love snacking on berries, and they’ll happily hunt for juicy treats like blueberries and blackberries. While it can be a bit annoying to see them munching on your berries every season, it’s pretty cute to watch them stretch their necks and hop up on the bushes to grab a snack.
Berries are great for chickens because they’re full of vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. These nutrients help keep chickens healthy and boost their immune systems.
Chickens really enjoy eating grains like corn, and it’s a big part of their diet. Corn gives them lots of energy and helps keep them warm during the winter. You can even grow your own sprouted grains for your chickens to munch on.
Sprouting grains is easy and can save you money on chicken feed. Just soak the grains in water, let them sprout, and you’ll have a healthy, tasty treat for your flock. This is a cost-effective way to keep your chickens happy and well-fed all year round.
Plants and Vegetables
Chickens love munching on various plant materials and vegetables. If you have a garden, be prepared for them to help themselves, especially to those fresh, new green leaves. Giving your chickens garden scraps is a fantastic way to avoid waste and keep them happy.
It’s even a good idea to grow a special chicken garden just for them. Planting veggies like lettuce, kale, and herbs will give your chickens a tasty, nutritious snack while saving your main garden from their pecking.
Egg and Eggshells
Feeding chickens their own eggs and eggshells is a great way to give them extra protein and calcium, especially laying hens. To do this, first crush the eggshells and bake them at 350°F for a few minutes. This makes sure they’re safe to eat and helps prevent bacteria.
You don’t want to give them whole eggs because that might encourage them to start eating their own eggs right out of the nest. It’s best to offer the crushed eggshells free choice, so they can eat them whenever they need an extra boost.
Oyster Shell and Grit
Feeding chickens oyster shells and grit is super important. Oyster shells give them the extra calcium they need to keep their eggshells strong.
Grit, on the other hand, helps chickens digest their food better. Since chickens don’t have teeth, they need grit in their gizzards to grind up their food. You can offer both oyster shells and grit free choice, so they can eat it whenever they need. This way, your chickens will have strong eggs and a healthy digestive system.
Kitchen Scraps
Chickens love getting kitchen scraps as treats, even leftover meats, but there are some important rules. They shouldn’t eat old or moldy food because it can make them sick. And just like us, they shouldn’t have too much junk food. It’s not good for their health.
One big no-no is avocado. It can be deadly for chickens, so make sure they steer clear of that. Stick to fresh, healthy scraps like vegetable peels and rice. They’ll gobble those up happily

Are Chickens Herbivores? FAQS
Are chickens herbivores?
No, chickens are actually omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. When they can exhibit their natural foraging behavior they enjoy a balanced diet of plants and animals.
What do chickens eat?
Chickens enjoy a diet that includes grains, seeds, vegetables, fruits, and insects. They’ll even eat small animals like worms and mice to get their nutritional needs.
Do chickens eat plants?
Yes, chickens will peck at and eat various plants and vegetables, especially fresh green leaves and garden scraps.
Why do chickens eat insects?
Insects provide chickens with protein, which is essential for their growth, egg production, and overall health.
Can chickens eat meat?
Chickens are not herbivores. They can eat small amounts of meat, such as leftover kitchen scraps like cooked meat pieces, but they should not eat raw meat.
Do chickens eat eggs?
Chickens may peck at eggs if they are broken or if they learn to eat them, but they should not be fed whole eggs as it can encourage them to start eating their own eggs.
What foods should chickens avoid?
Chickens should never be fed avocado, as it is toxic to them. Additionally, they should not eat old or moldy food, and excessive junk food should be avoided to keep them healthy.
Can chickens eat eggshells?
Crushed and baked eggshells can be fed to chickens as a calcium supplement to help with eggshell formation and overall health.

Are Chickens Herbivores? Final Thoughts
So are chickens herbivores? Chickens might seem like they only eat plants, but they’re actually omnivores. They enjoy a bit of everything! From seeds and veggies to insects and even the occasional kitchen scrap, chickens have a diverse diet that keeps them healthy and happy.
Whether they’re pecking at berries in the garden or gobbling up a handful of bugs, chickens know how to find what they need to thrive.
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